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What is a birth plan and do I need one?

Childbirth is something that cannot be guaranteed to happen in the way we may want it to. It is a part of nature and nature can be unpredictable. Having said that, a birth plan can allow parents-to-be to best prepare themselves for all possible eventualities and clarify – both to themselves and their care team – what exactly they would like to get from the experience.

Birth plans allow you to sit down and look at your options. They mean getting all the relevant information to ensure you make informed decisions about what you want, and don’t want, to happen during your labour.

Having a birth plan can help you feel prepared and can help give you the best chance of having the birth you want, it might also be a good idea to discuss what may happen and what decisions may arise if your birth does not go as you had initially planned.

Things to consider in your birth plan:

Where would you like to give birth (e.g. Obstetrics Department, Midwife-Led-Unit, at home)

Who would you like to be present? (birthing partners, Doula, students)

Would you like music? Meditation? Hypnobirthing? Quiet?

What sort of lighting would you like? (research shows dim-lighting is often best for promoting that magical oxytocin)

Would you like to avoid induction unless medically necessary?

Would you like pain medication? If so, which type?

Would you like a water birth?

Would you like baby to be monitored or would you prefer not to have that?

How do you feel about having an active birth?

Would you like delayed cord-clamping?

Would you like immediate skin-to-skin?

Do you want to breastfeed?

Do you want to use non-pharmaceutical pain relief measures (e.g. massage, TENs machine, hypnotherapy)?

It is also a good idea to create a caesarean birth plan, even if you are planning for a vaginal birth. As I said at the start, childbirth is not something that can be controlled, it is part of nature and as such things do not always go as we planned. So having a 'just in case' plan is a good idea and may help you feel more calm and in control were a caesarean to happen.

Things to consider with Caesarean Birth plans:

Who would you like to be present? (birth partners, students etc)

Would you like music on? Hypnobirthing tracks? Would you like your care team to be chatting or to be quiet?

Would you like dim lighting?

Would you like to see baby emerge (you cannot see your incision as the bump is in the way)?

Would you like immediate skin-to-skin (if so, the ECG pads can be placed on your back instead of your chest)?

Would you like to breastfeed?

Birth plans are a chance for you to learn more about all of your options and to feel better prepared for all eventualities. Understandably, it can be an overwhelming process so sometimes having someone with you to go through it all can be helpful. The midwives will give you a ‘birth plan’ to fill out but it is more of a checklist and you may want to explore your options further and create a more in-depth plan of what you’d like – equally you may not want this, both are okay. You have to do whatever feels right for you and as Doula’s we are not here to tell you what to do, we are here to support your choices and advocate for them.


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